Hegel 250 years on: phenomenology, logic, and system

March 3 - 5, 2021








March 3rd, 2021


12:45–1:00 PM

Homenagem ao Prof. Dr. Marcos Müller (A Tribute to Prof. Dr. Marcos Müller)


1:00–2:30 PM

Hegel: la philosophie politique comme épistémologie (Hegel: Political Philosophy as Epistemology)

Prof. Dr. Jean-François Kervégan

(University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne)


Roundtable I

3:00–6:00 PM


Debater: Prof. Dr. Michela Bordignon 

(Federal University of ABC)


3:00-3:20 PM

Phenomenology of Spirit as an Introduction to Science: a learner paradox?

Jiahiu Feng (University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne)


3:20-3:40 PM

From a ladder to a mere rung: the functions of the Phenomenology of Spirit within and without Hegel's Encyclopedia

Emmanuel Chaput (University of Ottawa)


3:40-4:00 PM

The problem of circularity between the Phenomenology of Spirit and the Science of Logic

Federico Orsini (Federal University of Lavras)


4:00-4:20 PM

The Scientific Status of Hegel's Logic and the Matter of its Beginning

Robb Dunphy (University College Dublin)


4:20-4:40 PM

Essence and representation as moments of mediation in the Hegelian system: a comparison between the Logic and the Psychology of the Subjective Spirit

Martina Barnaba (“La Sapienza” University of Rome)


4:40-5:30 PM

Comments on Papers


5:30-6:00 PM

Replies and Debate



March 4th, 2021


1:00–2:30 PM

Hegel’s Notion of Life

Prof. Dr. Luca Illetterati 

(University of Padova)


Roundtable II

3:00–6:00 PM


Debater: Prof. Dr. Ricardo Crissiuma

(Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul/Brazilian Center for Analysis and Planning - CEBRAP)


3:00-3:20 PM

A questão da forma e do conteúdo como fundamento lógico do sistema das artes de Hegel

Gustavo de Azevedo Torrecilha (University of São Paulo)


3:20-3:40 PM

A luta contra a “dominação da vontade”: segunda natureza, efetividade e crítica imanente nas Grundlinien

Patrícia Riffel de Almeida (Western Paraná State University/ University of Kassel)


3:40-4:00 PM

Loucura e pensamento na filosofia do espírito de Hegel

Felipe Aiello (São Paulo State University)


4:00-4:20 PM

“A impotência da natureza”: necessidade e contingência lógica, natural e espiritual

Régis de Melo Alves (University of São Paulo)


4:20-5:10 PM

Comments on Papers


5:10-6:00 PM

Replies and Debate


March 5th, 2021


1:00–2:00 PM

Espiritualidade e vida interior no jovem Hegel (Spirituality and Inner Life in the young Hegel)

Prof. Dr. Oliver Tolle

(University of São Paulo)


Roundtable III

2:00–5:00 PM

Debater: Prof. Dr. Giorgia Cecchinato 

(Federal University of Minas Gerais)


2:00-2:20 PM

O arcaísmo da substancialidade na Differenzschrift

Luiz Filipe da Silva Oliveira (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul)


2:20-2:40 PM

Imediatidade e início na Ciência da lógica de Hegel

Dalmiro Schwartz Lara (University of Campinas)


2:40-3:00 PM

A relação entre as autoconsciências e o Estado como garantia do livre relacionar

Nayara Sandrin da Cruz (São Paulo State University)


3:00-3:20 PM

Efetividade entre lógica e política

Marcus Vinicius da Conceição Felizardo (University of São Paulo)


3:20-4:10 PM

Comments on Papers


4:10-5:00 PM

Replies and Debate


5:30–6:30 PM

Do Logos à Physis. Sobre a passagem da Lógica para a Filosofia da Natureza no sistema de Hegel (From Logos to Physis: On the transition of the Logic to the Philosophy of Nature in Hegel's System)

Prof. Dr. Márcia Cristina Ferreira Gonçalves

(Rio de Janeiro State University)


The Conference will be held online and streamed. For links and further information, please write to hegel250@gmail.com or access http://filosofia.fflch.usp.br/en/eventos/2425

The Conference is organized by: The Department of Philosophy of the Faculty of Philosophy, Languages, and Human Sciences, University of São Paulo

Organizing Committee: Prof. Dr. Luiz Repa, Fabiana Del Mastro, Adriano Carvalheiro, Paulo Amaral, Lucas Axt, Renata Guerra, André Vilins.







Hegel 250 years on: phenomenology, logic, and system

March 3-5, 2021


The Organising Committee invites the academic community to participate in the international colloquium Hegel 250 years on: phenomenology, logic, and system, to be held online (via Google Meet) on March 3-5, 2021.

The colloquium intends to offer an occasion for graduate and post-graduate researchers to debate different lines of the Hegel’s philosophy studies. In order to promote a constructive discussion for those who intend to present their papers at the colloquium, each roundtable will have the support of a qualified debater appointed by the Organising Committee. The debater will be responsible for commenting the papers and raising questions for discussion, as well as observing possible convergences and divergences between them to encourage valuable discussions. The roundtable discussion aims to overcome the traditional inner divisions of philosophical knowledge. The colloquium encourages the interaction between the various points of research on Hegel’s thought.

Abstracts should be sent to hegel250@gmail.com by January 13, 2021[*]. Further information on the colloquium arrangement and on the papers’ format is available in the Public Notice section.

[*] the organizing committee of the event postponed the deadline for sending expanded abstracts to January 13th.





The colloquium revolves around the relationship between the following elements of Hegel’s philosophy: phenomenology, ground, and system. The papers’ abstracts should be in accordance with the theme presented below.  

The colloquium aims to explore the meaning of the tense and disputed relationship between the different expressions of the Hegelian philosophy, namely between the Phenomenology of Spirit, the Science of Logic, and the whole system, which would encompass the two former works, as well as the relationship between nature and spirit. The reflection of the systematic expression on each other has engendered various interpretations regarding the relationships established between what could be considered the introduction to the system, the ground of the system and the system itself, and even the dispute regarding the status of each one and their mutual relations.

However, the peculiarities of each exposition (the configuration and explanation of its objects), as well as the tendency to specialization in academic research, eventually produces the unwitting circumscription of the study of Hegel’s philosophy in one of the previously mentioned expressions. However, the speculative character of Hegel’s philosophy stresses the great value of aiming at the wholeness of the presentations and, therefore, of fostering a systematic dialogue between those aspects.

As the relationship between the presentations and elements of Hegel’s philosophy remains a matter of dispute and controversy, the colloquium attempts to provide a platform in which this relationship and its various interpretations can be discussed. Therefore, we encourage the submission of papers that foster a dialogue between a subject matter and an aspect(s) to which it is not directly linked. Papers concerning the concepts of one work in relation to another will be accepted, as well as those related to the relationship and status between them vis-à-vis the system. The roundtable discussions will be held with the intention of deepening the discussion of the topic of the colloquium and, therefore, encouraging the perspective of the totality of the suggested composition, while maintaining the necessary distinction between them. We invite scholars to submit abstracts in accordance with this general theme and to the format rules described in the Public Notice.                                                                                                                                                                                                              


Public Notice

1.     General Information

1.1.  The Colloquium of the Faculty of Philosophy, Languages and Literature, and Human Sciences of the University of São Paulo (FFLCH – USP) will be held online (via Google Meet) on March 3 - 5, 2021, during the evening period of the Brazilian time.

1.2.  Those interested in participating as speakers or as listeners can register according to the rules specified in this public notice.

1.3.  There is no participation fee.


2.     Arrangement of conferences, roundtables, and debates

2.1.  The activities of the colloquium will be divided into conferences, roundtables (one conference and one roundtable per day), and debates among invited keynote speakers, speakers, debaters, and listeners. 

2.2.  The conferences will be given by renowned researchers invited by the Organising Committee and will take up to 1 (one) hour. The debates following the conferences will have the assistance of a chair and will take up to 30 (thirty) minutes.

2.3.  Each roundtable will be composed of three paper presentations and to each of them 20 (twenty) minutes will be reserved. 

2.4.  After the paper presentations, the roundtable debater will have up to 30 (thirty) minutes to make their comments and raise questions to the paper presenters. 

2.5.  Each paper presenter will have up to 10 (ten) minutes to respond to the comments and questions elaborated by the debater.

2.6.  1 (one) hour will be reserved for an open discussion assisted by a chair.

2.7.  All the activities of each day of the colloquium will take approximately up to 5 (five) hours.


3.     Paper Submissions

3.1.  Only undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate researchers who have ongoing or completed research in Hegel, supervised by a professor of philosophy, will be allowed to submit papers to the colloquium. 

3.2.  Each researcher will be allowed to submit only one abstract. Abstracts written by more than one author will not be accepted.

3.3.  The communication proposals must contain two separate documents, namely the expanded abstract and the registration information of the researcher.

3.4.  Abstracts must contain between 900 and 1200 words, be written in Portuguese or in English, in Times New Roman, font size 12pt, regular style, alignment justified, 1.5 spacing. They must be accompanied by bibliography and keywords. The file format could be .doc, .docx, or .pdf. It is requested not to include the name of the researcher in this document, but only title of the abstract, keywords, the expanded abstract and bibliography.

3.5.  In a separate document, the communication proposal should include the full name of the researcher, telephone number, educational institution, funding institution (if any) and the name of the advisor.

3.6.  Communication proposals should be sent to the e-mail hegel250@gmail.com with the subject Communication Proposal by January 3, 2021.

3.7.  After the approval of the abstracts, to be released on January 8, 2021, participants must submit the full papers (8 to 10 pages) by February 2, 2021. The paper presentations will be timed out 20 (twenty) minutes and, therefore, it is emphasized that the researcher should consider the correspondence between the paper size and the time limit.

3.8.  On February 13, 2021, the paper presenters will be informed about the roundtables at which they will be present, with confirmation of the date and time of presentation.

3.9.  It is noted that, due to the digital platform, the paper presenter must enable his/her microphone and camera during his/her presentation. The cameras of the debaters and other paper presenters at the roundtable must remain on with the microphone turned off so as not to interfere with the presentations.

3.10. All communicators will receive a certificate of presentation that will be issued by the Department of Philosophy in the weeks following the event.


4.     Listener Participation

4.1.  Participation is free, but conditional on registration due to the restriction of participation caused by the online realization of the colloquium. Requests for participation should be sent to the e-mail hegel250@gmail.com with the subject Listener Registration by March 02, 2021. The e-mail should contain the full name of the listener, institution (if any) and telephone number. On the days of the colloquium, registered listeners will have access to the call link. As the online platform limits the number of participants, registrations are limited.

4.2.  Due to the online platform, listeners should pay attention to the following rules: i) microphones and cameras should be kept disabled while keynote speakers, paper presenters, and debaters are presenting; ii) only those who speak by chat to ask questions may, after authorized by a chair, enable their microphone and camera to put questions and comments. Failure to comply with such rules unfortunately implies the exclusion of the listener from the call.

4.3.  The certificate of listener participation will be conditional on the attendance on the three days of the colloquium and will be issued by the Department of Philosophy in the subsequent weeks. The participation of the listeners (questions and comments addressed to the keynote speakers and roundtables) in the discussions will have the assistance of a chair, who will clarify, at the opening of the day’s work, the procedures to be followed via platform chat.


5.     Calendar

5.1. Colloquium dates: March 3, 4, and 5, 2021.

5.2. Call for papers deadline: from October 1, 2020 to January 3, 2021.

5.3. Release of approved papers: January 8, 2021.

5.4. Deadline for full papers submission: February 2, 2021.

5.5. Deadline for listener registration (subject to vacancy limit): March 2, 2021.


Organising Committee: Prof. Dr. Luiz Repa, Fabiana Del Mastro, Adriano Carvalheiro, Paulo Amaral, Lucas Axt, Renata Guerra e André Vilins.




Conjunto Didático de Filosofia e Ciências Sociais, Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 315 - Cidade Universitária, São Paulo - SP