In a first moment, starting from the fact that Diadorim is a subjectivity crossed by the
other’s look it is necessary to inquire to what extent the revelation of his body as being a woman-body contributes, in the way in which Riobaldo-narrator weaves the threads of the past, to the accord between feminine and otherness. Therefore, it is a matter of investigating the adjustment established, in Rosa’s novel, between the feminine and its condition of “the absolute Other” as Simone de Beauvoir discusses. In a second moment, in addition to examining what the novel talks about, it is necessary to unravel what the novel conceals. In other words, more than capturing Diadorim in a gender identity, we intend to demonstrate that what the novel conceals is the disorganization of the norms of gender intelligibility.
Doctorate Degree
Research title
Diadorim: an interpretation about gender, otherness and performance in The Devil to Pay in the Backlands
Research abstract
Graduate Advisor
Silvana de Souza Ramos
Lattes (curriculum vitae)