The research aims to present a reinterpretation of the problem of the end of art (or death of art) in contemporary times through a recovery of the theme in the Hegelian aesthetics. Departing from the analysis of Hegel's philosophy of art, the project proposes to find in the formulation of romantic art a series of phenomena that compose the contemporary artistic project, such as the dematerialization of the arts, the subjectivation of the artwork, and the autonomization of the artistic discipline. In order to do so, we will analyze Hegel's position on modern arts, focusing particularly on the art of painting, in an attempt to showcase how the romantic arts indicate a period of autonomization of the modern subject and liberation from the cultic function towards an autonomous existence, observed both in material and conceptual aspects. In addition, we propose to establish a connection between Hegel's theories and his contemporary successors, such as Adorno, Benjamin, Danto, and Argan, who reinforce and re-establish Hegelian precepts regarding a new aesthetic condition.
Master's degree
Research title
The limits and possibilities of art: the freedom of the spirit in romantic painting according to Hegel
Research abstract
Graduate Advisor
Oliver Tolle
Lattes (curriculum vitae)