According to M. Foucault, in the transition from the feudal mode of production to the capitalist mode of production in the West, it was necessary to define a new epistemology about subjects and their bodies. This new epistemology can be thought of from two key devices (dispositifs) of the concept of biopower: the control of bodies in space and the control of sexuality. It is about understanding, in the first place, the mechanisms of biopower. Second, to understand how the deconstruction of these devices, proposed by J. Butler, especially in her theory of gender performativity, can elucidate an alternative path to the device of sexuality. In other words, a path that opposes contemporary techniques for the construction of subjects based on the identification of their biological sexes and desires.
Doctorate Degree
Research title
NEW SUBJECTIVITY CONSTRUCTION TECHNIQUES: contemporary developments of Michel Foucault's concept of biopower
Research abstract
Graduate Advisor
Tessa Moura Lacerda
Lattes (curriculum vitae)