Doctorate Degree
Research title
Logic, method and metaphysics in Kantian philosophy between 1760 and 1770
Research abstract

The research consists in the historical and systematic study of the relations established by Immanuel Kant between the concepts of logic, method and metaphysics in his works published between the years 1760 and 1770. Aiming at analysing and justifying the emergence of a certain comprehension that resulted in critical philosophy, we need to consider different aspects of Kant's works in the period. Given also the difficulty of this analysis, we have chosen to deal with both the characterisation of the relations between concepts and the form of historical appropriation of the philosophical tradition practised by Kant. Both these aspects are linked to the systematic interests of understanding the development of his philosophy. In this sense, the research demands to deal with Kant's relation and several philosophical and scientific traditions, whose authors will be studied as sources, especially German metaphysicians and logicians, such as Wolff and Crusius, but also authors of European natural philosophy, such as Newton, Maupertuis and Buffon. The historical and systematic thread presented in the project consisted and still consists, therefore, in following the transformation of the re

Graduate Advisor
Pedro Paulo Garrido Pimenta