Doctorate Degree
Research title
The concept of logical life in Hegel: between nature and spirit
Research abstract

In this research, we will address the problem of the relationship between logic, nature, and spirit in the Hegelian system in light of the status of the concept of life in the Science of Logic. From the conformity to internal purposes of the Critique of the Faculty of Judgment and Schelling's philosophy of nature, Hegel elaborates his original conception of logical life, which is opposed to the Schellingian conception of life, in which both nature, in organism, and spirit, in art, are equipollent powers of the absolute. The logical notion of life as the immediate realization of the idea is fundamental to understanding the relationship between his philosophy of nature and his philosophy of the spirit, since it allows us to understand the difference between the unity between subject and object in nature and the unity between subject and object in the spirit. The study of the relation between the logical, natural, and spiritual dimensions of life in the system will allow us to better understand the status of logic itself as a substitute for the old metaphysics and ontology in its relation to nature and spirit.

Graduate Advisor
Vladimir Pinheiro Safatle