Doctorate Degree
Research title
Wandering through composing: a liberation from all words
Research abstract

With texts, with thoughts that walk on the margins of philosophy itself, we will walk along this research “in a derridarian way”. A liberate is requested here. A philosophical poetics that crosses the borders of philosophy and literature, in which we want to access fiction as potential writers that we are, we will dialogue with this strange institution called literature, under the bias of language, literality and writing, in search of gestures creators capable of generating multiple meanings. As Milan Kundera warning us, the founder of modern times is not only Descartes, also Cervantes – and also Dorotéia, Clarissa, Anna, Wilhelm, Joana, Septimus, Stephen, Sofia, and so many others. Literarily, we are becoming philosophers. The language will be here the contact point between philosophy and literature. Through language, with language, because of language, a world we discover. In Clarice Lispector and Conceição Evaristo's writings our Leading wanderings, and in Derrida (and your interlocutors) our conceptual anchor – in a writing that presents itself as a flux, here we aim to philosophize writing.

Graduate Advisor
Márcio Suzuki