The purpose of this work is to reflect on Nietzschean questions about the limitations of grammatical language and concept from the text On Truth and Lying in a Non-Moral Sense and how, to some extent, they underlie part of the critique directed by Nietzsche in The Birth of Tragedy, to Socrates, to Theoretical Man and to Aesthetic Socratism. If in your posthumous text of 1873 the concept, besides portraying the equalization of the unequal, hinder the individual and sensitive expression of each subject, in his first published work it is observed a censure to the Socratic method, essentially rationalist and conceptual. Thereby, it is seen that, if the Aesthetic Socratism corrupted the Greek tragedy, disqualifying the Dionysian, he did this on the basis of the assumption that the reason, creator of language and concept, is sufficiently qualified to express everything. This while, for Nietzsche, the concept, a product of reason, is incapable to leading to the essence of things. Hence the Aesthetic Socratism, as a believer in the concept, apart from restraining the individual and sensitive expression, is entirely based on generalizations and falsifications of the world.
Doctorate Degree
Research title
The Linguistic Foundation of Criticism of Aesthetic Socratism
Research abstract
Graduate Advisor
Oliver Tolle
Lattes (curriculum vitae)