Doctorate Degree
Research title
The value of critique: Lacan and poststructuralism
Research abstract

The project aims to analyze the main criticisms of poststructuralist philosophers against the psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan: the criticism of the negativity of desire (Gilles Deleuze), phallocentrism (Jacques Derrida), the denial of the visible (Jean-François Lyotard), the elimination semiotics (Julia Kristeva) and the relationship between law and desire (Michel Foucault). In addition to presenting the philosophical perspective from which each author starts, we would like to maintain that these criticisms, when studied together, allow us to defend the hypothesis according to which the target of all of them tries to reach in some way Hegel’s heritage (mediated by Kojève) in Lacanian psychoanalysis. This project is a continuation of a research program that interrogates the criticisms that Lacan received, as we did in the master's degree around André Green’s objection that the Lacanian horizon had excluded affect from his structuralist program.

Graduate Advisor
Vladimir Pinheiro Safatle