The thesis proposes to investigate the notion of “commons” in the work of philosopher Silvia Federici so that we can understand to what extent they consists of modes of resistance and opposition to neoliberal hegemonic power. To this end, we maintain that Federici focuses, at times in her work, on the analysis of oppression committed against women and nature, highlighting feminist activism in the fight against the destructive advances of current capitalism. With this on our horizon, and through a bibliographical review, we adopted, in this thesis, an ecofeminist perspective as a form of approach, as we understand that the intersectionality established between women and nature helps to largely clarify the Federician notion of “commons”, found, more explicitly, in the work Reenchanting the world – feminism and the politics of the commons.
Doctorate Degree
Research title
THE COMMONS UNDER THE PERSPECTIVE OF ECOFEMINISM ON SILVIA FEDERICI: against the dismantling of neoliberal enclosures
Research abstract
Graduate Advisor
Alberto Ribeiro Gonçalves de Barros
Lattes (curriculum vitae)