Doctorate Degree
Research title
Kierkegaard and Nietzsche: The mass problem and its struggle against becoming
Research abstract

The present project discusses the relationship between the analyzes of Modernity made by Kierkegaard and Nietzsche, looking for similarities that can give light to a description of the same phenomenon. For this, the primary objective is to analyze how the individual expresses himself in his struggle towards not becoming himself, specially when he is unconscious of it, what Kierkegaard calls “the greatest of all risks”. After this, we will discuss the reasons and consequences that will take the individual unto the mass. The same course will be taken with Nietzsche in order to analyze what he calls the instinct of herd and the moral of the slave on this XIX century social phenomenon. At the end, we will look to find a common ground on both objects of discussions and even when one is the object of critique of the other.

Graduate Advisor
Eduardo Brandão