The present work is about Book Lambda (XII) of Aristotle's Metaphysics. My analysis is restricted to the investigation of Lambda 2-5. In particular, I will try to combat the readings that intend to see Lambda as an investigation divided into two separate parts. According to this type of reading, each of these parts would deal with different substances: the sensible and the immovable. Even though many of these interpretations do not intend to sacrifice the unity of the book Lambda, I still believe that the way in which these interpretations distinguish the two halves of the book ends up distancing them from what Lambda's investigation actually accomplishes: an investigation of the Totality of the things, showing that it is like a whole thing. Thus, my hypothesis is that the first philosophy in Lambda is not an investigation first of the sensible substance and then of the immovable one. Or worse, an investigation only of the immovable substance, in Lambda 6-10, preceded by a kind of “preparation” in Lambda 2-5. I believe that the primary philosophy in Lambda is an investigation of the Totality of things, which demonstrates a connection between sensible and immovable substance.
Doctorate Degree
Research title
What is exactly the object of first philosophy? Translation and analysis of Aristotle’s Metaphysic Lambda 2-5
Research abstract
Graduate Advisor
Evan Robert Keeling
Lattes (curriculum vitae)