This project aims to investigate the relationship between political order and order of the soul and cosmic order in Plato's thought, with special interest in how they appear in the books Republic and Timaeus. The possibility of intelligibility of the world depends on this relationship, but also, according to Plato, the rational understanding of politics itself, an aspect that interests the research here proposed. In question is the very condition of possibility of a rational political philosophy and science and, from the point of view of the historiography of philosophical thought, how Plato dialogued with the legacy that preceded him to establish his own political thought. If there is an order that underlies social reality, apprehending it, understanding it and explaining it is essential and in Plato there seems to be the statement that not only does this social order exist, but also bears a relationship with the cosmic order itself, so that social reality cannot be explained except through reflection, science and political philosophy.
Doctorate Degree
Research title
Political rationality in Plato given the problem of order: from the cosmic order to the order of the polis to the order of the soul.
Research abstract
Graduate Advisor
Evan Robert Keeling
Lattes (curriculum vitae)