Doctorate Degree
Research title
The writing of the self in Maurice Blancho
Research abstract

The doctoral qualification presented dealt with the fragment "" A primal scene?" which, along with the book "The Instant of My Death", is one of Blanchot's autobiographical texts. To read this fragment, I considered texts by Blanchot about writers trying to write about their lives, focusing on readings of Kafka and Henry James. I also returned to authors such as Freud and Serge Leclaire, mobilized in Blanchot to think about the Primal Scene. The analysis of the texts led me to formulate a hypothesis about the book "The Writing of Disaster", where is the fragment "A Primal Scene?". My reading is that Blanchot creates, in Writing of Disaster, a kind of novel of formation in reverse. His writing of the self must be thought of based on this hypothesis, a fragmented, fragmentary writing, without identity and marked by the death of the self. Next year, I intend to continue with this hypothesis and revisit the book "The Instant of My Death", as well as review the notion of death at different moments in Blanchot's work.

Graduate Advisor
Franklin Leopoldo e Silva