Doctorate Degree
Research title
The origins of scientific cosmology: Einstein and Friedmann's heuristics
Research abstract

In the 20th century, cosmology reached, as scientific research, levels of predictive and explanatory power far above those achieved in previous centuries. The goal of this research is, through the structure known as Scientific Theory Methodology, to evaluate the cosmological contributions of the first relativistic models: the static universe model, developed by Albert Einstein in 1917 and the expanding universe model, developed by Alexander Friedmann in 1922. The center of our research focuses on the heuristics used by each of them, which involves the models, mathematical techniques, and approximations that allowed them to solve the problems imposed by cosmological research. It is also part of this research, with the purpose of better understanding his theories, to evaluate theses of an ontological, epistemological and axiological nature if they are considered relevant in his cosmological models. We also evaluate the conception of knowledge assumed by these works and other answers provided by the theoretical instruments of the Theory of Science Methodology as a supplementary refinement to the structure of Imre Lakatos' Research Programs.

Graduate Advisor
José Raymundo Novaes Chiappin