As a rationalist thinker, Leibniz does not lack to demonstrate great interests in theological questions of his time, while he incorporates, in many of his writings, concepts and doctrines of Revealed Theology. Despite the absence of a text where his theological positions are explicitly and systematically exposed, the volume of these properly theological writings and the frequent mention of these doctrines even in Leibniz's philosophical texts leads to the question about the presence and role of Revealed Theology in Leibniz's thought, and the relationship between his philosophy and his theological positions, as well as the epistemological status of the theological doctrines he embraces, and the relevance of the philosophical problems and solutions that emerge from them.
Doctorate Degree
Research title
Rationality and mystery: the presence of theology in Leibniz's philosophy
Research abstract
Graduate Advisor
Luís César Guimarães Oliva
Lattes (curriculum vitae)