Master's degree
Research title
Goethe and Schiller's theory of art, according to Lukács
Research abstract

This project seeks to investigate Lukács's interpretation of the period of cooperation between Goethe and Schiller, usually referred to as "Weimar classicism" or "German classicism". The core of this interpretation is an indication of a theory of modern art developed by the Germans during the period in which they established contacts. Thus, this project seeks, based on Lukács's observations, to highlight this theory of art. To this end, the project intends to examine some of the works of Goethe and Schiller, as well as their correspondence, written or published between 1794 and 1805, in addition to using Lukács's essays and works on German classical philosophy and aesthetics as support. Based on the identification of a theory of art developed by Goethe and Schiller, the research proposes to examine its place and role in the development of German classical philosophy, as proposed by Lukács.

Graduate Advisor
Marco Aurélio Werle