This research investigates the political reflection of Leopardi, considering that his social-political thought is not separate from the understanding of the human condition and the activity as civil poet. To this end, the following hypotheses will be considered: 1) understanding of the political is based on the human-nature relationship; 2) poetry and poetic illusions do not only occupy a place in cultural issues, but an important place in ethical and political meditation; 3) Leopardi's thought is not a symptom of a resigned position in the face of the decadence of civilization and the limits of the structure of human nature. Therefore, the question of the political will be associated with understanding of human nature and the poetic, seeking to expose diagnosis of Modernity and the ideal of civilization present in Leopardi's work.
Doctorate Degree
Research title
Illusions and the political dimension: Giacomo Leopardi and the excessive spiritualization of the human world.
Research abstract
Graduate Advisor
Maria das Graças de Souza
Lattes (curriculum vitae)