The aim is to investigate Hegel's critique, throughout his work, of what could be called modern individualism and his view of how it, in its various forms, fails to live up to what he calls concrete universality. The "Phenomenology of spirit", in particular certain figures of consciousness (such as those present in active reason and the beautiful soul), will be the axis from which the Hegelian reflection on unilateral individuality will be triggered for us, but our exposition will not be restricted to this axis, seeking to develop the ramifications of the problem throughout the complete work of our author. In this sense, we will start with the "Phenomenology" and eventually draw parallels with other works, such as the "Lectures on aesthetics" and the "Philosophy of right".
Master's degree
Research title
The early modernity's mishaps
Research abstract
Graduate Advisor
Maria LĂșcia Mello e Oliveira Cacciola
Lattes (curriculum vitae)