Artur Sartori Kon

Doctorate Degree
Research title
Elfriede Jelinek: from impotente text to impossible theatre
Research abstract

We seek to investigate the dramaturgical work of Elfriede Jelinek, dialectically relating the author’s formal innovations to the historical conditions which she faces. We also aim to shed light on the current meaning of writing for the theatre, given the autonomy that the scene has developed to drama since the mid-20th century. For the study of the historical development of artistic forms, particularly the dramatic form, in a dialectical perspective, we rely on Szondi, Adorno, Hans-Thies Lehmann and Christoph Menke. Other references include Butler's feminism; contemporary capitalism and its representability, in line with Brecht's dialectical theatre, and writing in Barthes and Derrida.

Graduate Advisor
Celso Fernando Favaretto
Date of defense