Ricardo Polidoro Mendes

Master's degree
Research title
Conflict and order: the popular republic in Machiavelli
Research abstract

Political conflict is at the center of Machiavelli's work, because, for the Florentine, every political body is split between two humors, that of the great, of dominating, and that of the people, of not being dominated, and this conflict between desires is articulated the ordination of the city. In his Discourses on Livy, Machiavelli points out that this disunity was fundamental for the Roman Republic, since from it laws and ordinances were born in favor of the free life. Thus, our objective is to carry out an analysis of the conflictual political dynamics that Machiavelli presents in his Discourses focusing on the action of the people to refuse domination, because his negative desire, expressed extraordinarily in tumults and ordinarily by the Tribunes of the common people refuses opressio.

Graduate Advisor
Silvana de Souza Ramos
Date of defense