Master's degree
Research title
The role of the concept of space in the development of the Kant's thought
Research abstract

In this research we propose a reconstruction of part of Kant's intellectual trajectory based on the concept of space. In view of this, we are looking for a contribution from the discussions around this concept to the formulation of transcendental idealism. For that matter, in this research we try to investigate the texts from the 1760s of Kant's production, in which we address: (1) the impact of the discussions between Leibnizians and Newtonians, especially the correspondence between Leibniz and Clarke, on Kant's philosophy; (2) how discussions of this kind point to the need for a minimal reconstruction of the context in which Kant's works were produced in order to understand their scope; (3) to what extent the 1768 essay foreshadows critical theses; (4) what problems remain for the elaboration of the first Critique from 1770 onwards; and (5) what aspects of the texts from the 1760s are still present in the Critique of Pure Reason, especially in the Transcendental Aesthetics.

Graduate Advisor
MaurĂ­cio Cardoso Keinert