The Program has a single area of concentration: Philosophy, organized into 4 lines of research:
- History of Philosophy - History and analysis of philosophical systems. Study of different topics of philosophical doctrines, as well as aspects of their constitution and internal logic. Approach to authors and systems inserting them into their historical-cultural context. Comparative study of philosophies and reconstitution of the axes from the great inaugural authors, according to the chronological articulations that divide the History of Philosophy into Ancient, Medieval, Modern and Contemporary.
- Logic, Philosophy of Language and Philosophy of Science - Logical investigation of formal systems, their philosophical foundation and historical development. Analysis of formal and ordinary languages and their use in the study of philosophical questions. Research into the nature and dynamics of scientific knowledge in its epistemological and historiographic aspects. Examination of the perspectives and impact of science on society, its technological applicability and its institutional organization.
- Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art - Study of the different areas to which philosophy has attributed beauty and of questions put specifically by the History of Art. Exposition and commentary of the classical theories about the work of art, with a view to promoting a reappraisal of its fundamental concepts. Theoretical approach and consideration of the artistic phenomenon, aiming at delineations of an ontology of the work of art. Historical-critical consideration of modern and contemporary art.
- Ethics, Political Philosophy and Theory of Human Sciences - The research in this area covers the issue of the criticism of the human sciences and political and ideological discourse throughout the history of philosophy. In this way, it seeks to address the relations between theory and philosophy of history, conceptions of power, the great problems of moral and political philosophy from antiquity to contemporary times.