Monoliths, towers, pyramids, temples, and cathedrals – in the chapter on architecture of his Aesthetics Hegel approaches this artistic genre in its three moments that correspond to the symbolic architecture of the ancient oriental world, the classical architecture of the Greeks and Romans and the romantic architecture of the Gothic. Under what principle are these architectural phenomena, at first sight, so heterogeneous and that escape a systematization of the history of art, organized? The present thesis intends to show that, together with the assumption of the Hegelian aesthetic that art is an expression of the spirit and in this sense, it is guided by a growing ideality, architecture as a first art is still linked to the domain of nature, of materiality, whose figure later is space. Architecture in its three stages can then be understood in the light of the concept of space which is, in turn, a concept of the philosophy of nature and aesthetics.
Doctorate Degree
Research title
From nature to interior space. Architecture and space in Hegel’s Aesthetics
Research abstract
Graduate Advisor
Oliver Tolle
Lattes (curriculum vitae)