Doctorate Degree
Research title
The theory of will in the thought of Saint Augustine
Research abstract

The aim of this research is to overcome studies on will in Augustine to analyze the theories that base them. In possession of them, the objective is to defend the hypothesis that there is, in this theme, a development in Augustine's thought. Between those who defend a rupture, as if he had discarded the initial discoveries to embrace the final ones, and those others who defend stability, as if his understanding in this regard had never changed, there is a third interpretation adopted here: recognition that there are new understandings throughout his life, which represent not a break with previous conclusions, but a development that starts from them. To prove this, we first intend to analyze the Augustinian scope itself, especially the most strategic texts for the theory: the dialogue De libero arbitrio and the correspondence De diversis quaestionibus ad Simplicianum, in addition to other related texts. In this way, we hope to synthesize a general theory of will in Augustine that presents progress in the assimilation of the main concepts through which it was developed.

Graduate Advisor
Lorenzo Mammì