Leonardo Canuto de Barros

Doctorate Degree
Research title
Living and narrating: life and art in Paul Ricoeur's hermeneutics
Research abstract

The research opens on three fronts that will constitute the three chapters of the thesis. In the first chapter, entitled “Narrative tradition: the shared experience”, we will deal with Ricoeur's narrative theory taking into account concepts such as mimesis and narrative identity. In the second chapter, entitled “Betrayal of the narrative: the limits of narrating”, at first, situations presented by Ricoeur of opacity to elaborate narratively will be listed. Then, then concerned with establishing a link between narrative and life, we will work on the limits of narrative agreement. In the last chapter, entitled “The silence”, we will deal with the narrative block, which happens, for example, in historical circumstances, such as when some narratives are condemned to oblivion.

Graduate Advisor
Marco Aurélio Werle
Date of defense