Renan Meira Zapata Moreno

Master's degree
Research title
The common sense concept in Prison Notebooks of Antonio Gramsci: the philosophical axis of his political theory
Research abstract

In this work, I investigate the formulation and development of the concept of common sense in Antonio Gramsci's Prison Notebooks. The concept is conceived only during his prison production, and is found in a privileged way in the special notebook 11, in which Nicolai Bukharin's Treatise on Historical Materialism is harshly criticized. Therefore, I examine the trio of common sense, folklore and philosophy, from its correlated appearance in notebook 1 to its final formulation in notebook 11. There is in this path a movement that rethinks the traditional view of the various policies on life and popular culture, proposing a new conceptual network. Two horizons run through this reflection on common sense guiding the Gramscian project of reorienting politics on popular thought: national cultural integration through the concept of national-popular and popular mental transformation through the concept of intellectual and moral reform. In this way, from the extension that the concept of common sense has in Prison Notebooks, from the size of the conceptual network that emerges with it to solve the problem of popular thought and from the place it has within Gramsci's own project of philosophy, the philosophy of praxis, is that I try to demonstrate how the concept of common sense involves the construction of a political theory of its own and, consequently, a new vision of politics.

Key-Words: Antonio Gramsci, philosophy, common sense, folklore, popular culture.

Graduate Advisor
Homero Silveira Santiago
Date of defense