The dissertation will analyze the will to nothing as the central element of passive nihilism that must be substituted by the active nihilism for an affirmative religion to arise. The will to nothingness is associated with the problem of suffering, in which life is condemned because suffering is understood as undesirable. In this sense the will to nothing will be overcome by the reinterpretation of suffering so that it stops being associated with something negative. This revaluation of suffering depends on the will to power in which pain and suffering become indissociable, because pleasure depends on the resilience to resistance and suffering. In this sense the will to nothingness must be substituted by the will to power in which the subject releases his strength in the world, because the subject has lost his fear of resistances. In this sense the will to power reinterprets desire, overcoming the traditional Schopenhauerian association between desire and deprivation, when it affiliates desire with joy (Birault, 1967).
Master's degree
Research title
The Problem of Suffering in the Genealogy of Morals
Research abstract
Graduate Advisor
Eduardo Brandão
Lattes (curriculum vitae)