This thesis seeks to present from the thought of Hans-Georg Gadamer, a discussion about another way of knowing that it differs from the model proposed by methodical science, emphasizing the existing relationship between game and art. Thus, we seek to present the game of art in its most diverse modes of representation not only as an element of aesthetic enjoyment, but as a happening of the truth. Some criticisms are made to reduce the work of art, to purely aesthetic issues, because such reductionism is to play the game of methodical consciousness, which claims a monopoly of the notion of truth, limiting itself to the scope of what is scientifically aware. Gadamer seeks to recognize from the notion of the game that art has its truth, and this notion will be extremely relevant to justify the way of knowledge of human sciences, human understanding and self -comprehension, essential for acting marked by otherness and ability to listen to Another recognizing that he may be right, which is possible only through the dialogical game.
Doctorate Degree
Research title
The game as a medium for self-comprehension and revelation of oneself in Hang-Georg Gadamer's philosophical hermeneutics.
Research abstract
Graduate Advisor
Eduardo Brandão
Lattes (curriculum vitae)