Doctorate Degree
Research title
The enemy of the apocalypse: technology, politics and history in Günther Anders
Research abstract

In 1959, Günther Anders quickly put together a series of short theses as discussion material for a group of students at the Free University of Berlin, which would later be published as "Theses for the Atomic Age". In a succinct way, Anders addresses central aspects of his entire oeuvre in these theses, relating to morality, politics, the philosophy of history and of technology. The core of this work (Part I) consists of translating and commenting on these "Theses", in order to explain the general theoretical context in which each of them is inserted. Part II, subdivided into two parts, is dedicated to discussing the Andersian concept of "Promethean gap" and the relationship between technology and history. Part III contains an introduction and a translation of three essays by Anders that are part of his writings on philosophical anthropology, in which something of the "method" and philosophical presuppositions of Anders' work become evident.

Graduate Advisor
Paulo Eduardo Arantes
Date of defense