Teses e Dissertações defendidas
Nome Sort descending | Curso | Título da pesquisa | Orientador | Defesa |
ABEL DOS SANTOS BESERRA | Master's degree | The concept of habit from Descartes' The Passions of the [...] |
Homero Silveira Santiago | |
AGNES DE OLIVEIRA COSTA | Master's degree | Universal History in Capitalism and Schizophrenia: Study on [...] |
Homero Silveira Santiago | |
ALCIDES DEVIDES MORENO | Master's degree | What first philosophy is according to Aristotle’s [...] |
Evan Robert Keeling | |
ALEX ANTONIO ROSA COSTA | Master's degree | Love and freedom in Heidegger and Sartre |
Eduardo Brandão | |
ALINE DAINEZ DA COSTA | Master's degree | Agar, servant of Sarai, where have you come from and where [...] |
Tessa Moura Lacerda | |
ÁLVARO HADAD FILHO | Doctorate Degree | The garden of diseases: a study on the development of modern [...] |
Pablo Rubén Mariconda | |
ANDERSON ALVES DA SILVA | Doctorate Degree | Quantum field theory: philosophy and history from the [...] |
Osvaldo Frota Pessoa Junior | |
André Alves Carvalho | Master's degree | Goethe's Meister between romanticism and classicism |
Marco Aurélio Werle | |
André Alves Carvalho | Master's degree | Goethe's Meister between romanticism and classicism |
Marco Aurélio Werle | |
ANDRÉ AURELIANO FERNANDES | Master's degree | Intuition in Clement Greenberg |
Oliver Tolle | |
ANDRÉ GOMES QUIRINO | Master's degree | The impurity of Aristotelian forms: a commentary to [...] |
Evan Robert Keeling | |
André Rodrigo Ferreira Coggiola | Master's degree | Tableaux Dedutivos |
Rodrigo Bacellar | |
Andrea Fatima dos Santos | Master's degree | Plough and language in Lavoura Arcaica |
Victor Knoll | |
Andrea Fatima dos Santos | Master's degree | Plough and language in Lavoura Arcaica |
Victor Knoll | |
ANTONIO FERNANDO LONGO VIDAL FILHO | Direct Doctorate | Fighting with words: Sartre and the issue of commitment |
Paulo Eduardo Arantes | |
ARISTIDES MOREIRA FILHO | Doctorate Degree | The Role of Metaphysics in Popperian Epistemology |
Caetano Ernesto Plastino | |
ARTUR MACHADO SCAVONE | Master's degree | Language, meaning, recollection and categorial enformation [...] |
Marcus Sacrini Ayres Ferraz | |
ARTUR RIBEIRO DE MENDONÇA CARDOSO | Master's degree | Hegel and Spinoza: an indirect debate on teleology |
Maria Lúcia Mello e Oliveira Cacciola | |
Artur Sartori Kon | Doctorate Degree | Elfriede Jelinek: from impotente text to impossible theatre |
Celso Fernando Favaretto | |
Artur Sartori Kon | Doctorate Degree | Elfriede Jelinek: from impotente text to impossible theatre |
Celso Fernando Favaretto | |
Beatriz Laporta | Master's degree | THE IMPORTANCE OF THE SUBSTANTIAL UNION FOR THE [...] |
Tessa Moura Lacerda | |
Bernardo Nunes Gonçalves | Doctorate Degree | Machines will think: structure and interpretation of Alan [...] |
Edelcio Gonçalves de Souza | |
BRENO ISAAC BENEDYKT | Doctorate Degree | The Community without end: on the sharing of singularities |
Celso Fernando Favaretto | |
BRUNO CARVALHO RODRIGUES DE FREITAS | Doctorate Degree | Suffering and social critique in Adorno's thinking |
Paulo Eduardo Arantes | |
Bruno Ferreira da Rosa | Doctorate Degree | Hegel's Philosophy of Right: The formation of the general [...] |
Ricardo Ribeiro Terra | |
BRUNO GONÇALVES MOREIRA | Master's degree | The concept of idea in Descartes |
Homero Silveira Santiago | |
BRUNO KLEIM SERRANO | Doctorate Degree | Critical theory of the value-form: Adorno and the Neue Marx [...] |
Luiz Sérgio Repa | |
BRUNO MARRA DE MELO | Master's degree | Same yet another – Hong Sang-Soo and repetition read in [...] |
Ricardo Nascimento Fabbrini | |
BRUNO OBERLANDER ERBELLA | Master's degree | From Natural History to Human history: the concept of [...] |
Pedro Paulo Garrido Pimenta | |
Caio Eduardo Cunha Leitão | Master's degree | Leonardo Bruni and Nicolau Maquiavel, comparative readings [...] |
Sérgio Cardoso | |
Caio Eduardo Cunha Leitão | Master's degree | Leonardo Bruni and Nicolau Maquiavel, comparative readings [...] |
Sérgio Cardoso | |
CARLOS PAULA DE MORAES | Doctorate Degree | The implications of the definition of human nature as [...] |
Carlos Eduardo de Oliveira | |
CAROLINA BERNARDINI ANTONIAZZI | Master's degree | Subjectivity and alienation through the pregnant body |
Silvana de Souza Ramos | |
CECÍLIA MOUTA GUIMARÃES | Master's degree | Counterintuition in classical physics |
Pablo Rubén Mariconda | |
CHRISTIANE CARDOSO FERREIRA | Doctorate Degree | The interplay of passions in Machiavelli's republican [...] |
Alberto Ribeiro Gonçalves de Barros | |
CIRO LOURENÇO BORGES JÚNIOR | Doctorate Degree | Justice, equality, and community: J.-J. Rousseau and the [...] |
Milton Meira do Nascimento | |
Claudia Pellegrini Braga | Doctorate Degree | Autonomy of multitudine |
Homero Silveira Santiago | |
CLEBER DE SOUZA CORREA | Doctorate Degree | Carnap’s metaontology: the context of its genesis and its [...] |
João Vergílio Gallerani Cuter | |
Dani Barki Minkovicius | Master's degree | The expression of the ineffable: duration, espace and the [...] |
Franklin Leopoldo e Silva | |
Dani Barki Minkovicius | Master's degree | The expression of the ineffable: duration, espace and the [...] |
Franklin Leopoldo e Silva | |
DANIEL ARVAGE NAGASE | Doctorate Degree | Semantics and Communication |
Edelcio Gonçalves de Souza | |
DANIEL BALLESTER MARQUES | Doctorate Degree | Psychology Without a Soul: the Role of the Ego in Husserlian [...] |
Marcus Sacrini Ayres Ferraz | |
DANIEL CHIARETTI | Doctorate Degree | From limit to border: the non-citizen in contemporary [...] |
Alberto Ribeiro Gonçalves de Barros | |
DANIEL PELUSO GUILHERMINO | Doctorate Degree | Givenness and transcendence. Husserl and the “Myth of the [...] |
Marcus Sacrini Ayres Ferraz | |
DANIEL RODRIGUES DA COSTA | Doctorate Degree | Free will and freedoms in Augustine's philosophy: a study on [...] |
Lorenzo Mammì | |
DANIELA CUNHA BLANCO | Doctorate Degree | Rancière and the archaeological scene: movements of a method [...] |
Celso Fernando Favaretto | |
DANIELE ELENE CORTE CARDOSO | Master's degree | Democracy in Jacques Rancière : The politics of disagreement [...] |
Pedro Paulo Garrido Pimenta | |
DANILO MIRANDA RODRIGUES | Master's degree | A rational reconstruction of the scientific cosmology |
José Raymundo Novaes Chiappin | |
DARIO CINTRA DE NEGREIROS RIBEIRO | Doctorate Degree | The making of Brazilian social authoritarianism: slavery |
Marilena de Souza Chaui | |
DARIO DE QUEIROZ GALVÃO NETO | Doctorate Degree | Animal Reason in the 18th Century between Philosophy and [...] |
Pedro Paulo Garrido Pimenta |