Carlos Eduardo de Oliveira

Assistant Professor
History of Medieval and Patristic Philosophy

Academic Background

  • 2014 Assistant Professor in Philosophy at the University of São Paulo
  • 2006 PhD in Philosophy at the University of São Paulo
    Supervisor: Prof. José Carlos Estêvão
    Title: Reality and Its Signs: The Propositions on Contingent Future and Divine Predestination in the Logic of William of Ockham
  • 2001 Master’s Degree in Philosophy at the University of São Paulo
    Supervisor: Prof. José Carlos Estêvão
    Title: Intuition and Truth in William of Ockham. On the Evident News in the First Question of the Prologue of the ‘Ordinatio’  
  • 1996 Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy at the Associated Faculties of Ipiranga, São Paulo, Brazil

Current Research

Foundations of Direct Intellection of the Singular
Developed mainly between the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, the discussions about the direct intellection of the singular put in question the basic theses of medieval Aristotelianism, mainly regarding the mediations between the theory of the intellection and the metaphysics. It is a nuclear issue that involves a broad range of interests, extending from medieval logic to medieval politics.


Carlos Eduardo de Oliveira

Orientações em andamento